The quaint town of Bridgewater, situated on the east bank of the Housatonic River, is a largely residential community encompassing 17.3 square miles. An old farming community incorporated in 1856, Bridgewater is home to barns, paddocks and country estates as well as beautiful Lake Lillinonah. The charming town green is a haven for many passersby who stop at the historic general store for some famous Bridgewater Chocolates or to enjoy fine New England fare. Until 2014, Bridgewater was known as the last remaining dry town in the state. A highly anticipated event in Bridgewater takes place each fall, when the town hosts the annual Bridgewater Country Fair, which has drawn generations of residents and visitors to this otherwise quiet community.
Litchfield County, Connecticut
The quaint town of Bridgewater, situated on the east bank of the Housatonic River, is a largely residential community encompassing 17.3 square miles. An old farming community incorporated in 1856, Bridgewater is home to barns, paddocks and country estates as well as beautiful Lake Lillinonah. The charming town green is a haven for many passersby who stop at the historic general store for some famous Bridgewater Chocolates or to enjoy fine New England fare. Until 2014, Bridgewater was known as the last remaining dry town in the state. A highly anticipated event in Bridgewater takes place each fall, when the town hosts the annual Bridgewater Country Fair, which has drawn generations of residents and visitors to this otherwise quiet community.
The quaint town of Bridgewater, situated on the east bank of the Housatonic River, is a largely residential community encompassing 17.3 square miles. An old farming community incorporated in 1856, Bridgewater is home to barns, paddocks and country estates as well as beautiful Lake Lillinonah. The charming town green is a haven for many passersby who stop at the historic general store for some famous Bridgewater Chocolates or to enjoy fine New England fare. Until 2014, Bridgewater was known as the last remaining dry town in the state. A highly anticipated event in Bridgewater takes place each fall, when the town hosts the annual Bridgewater Country Fair, which has drawn generations of residents and visitors to this otherwise quiet community.
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Bridgewater is within Litchfield Hills, Connecticut and borders New Milford, Roxbury, Brookfield and Southbury.
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