Colebrook, named after Colebrooke in Devonshire, England, is an unspoiled, rural community located in Northern Litchfield County on the Massachusetts line. The town, incorporated in 1779 and encompassing 32.9 square miles, has a population of approximately 1,470 residents. The village is an attractive town of older, well-kept homes, many dating back to the 18th century, and is surrounded by a mountainous region of great beauty. The town’s lovely Sandy Brook, with its famous Tunxis Falls standing almost at its junction with the Still River, is one of the major streams that flows into the larger Farmington River. Beulah Falls on Sandy Brook Road is a particularly beautiful location. The Algonquin State Forest consists of more than 2,300 acres of natural wilderness forest and lies mostly north of Sandy Brook. Visitors can explore scenic country roads as they pass old stone walls and cellar holes where pioneer families once lived. Route 8 is the main highway providing access to Massachusetts to the north, passing the beautiful cliffs and views of the west branch of the Farmington River, as well as all points south in Connecticut.
Litchfield County, Connecticut
Colebrook, named after Colebrooke in Devonshire, England, is an unspoiled, rural community located in Northern Litchfield County on the Massachusetts line. The town, incorporated in 1779 and encompassing 32.9 square miles, has a population of approximately 1,470 residents. The village is an attractive town of older, well-kept homes, many dating back to the 18th century, and is surrounded by a mountainous region of great beauty. The town’s lovely Sandy Brook, with its famous Tunxis Falls standing almost at its junction with the Still River, is one of the major streams that flows into the larger Farmington River. Beulah Falls on Sandy Brook Road is a particularly beautiful location. The Algonquin State Forest consists of more than 2,300 acres of natural wilderness forest and lies mostly north of Sandy Brook. Visitors can explore scenic country roads as they pass old stone walls and cellar holes where pioneer families once lived. Route 8 is the main highway providing access to Massachusetts to the north, passing the beautiful cliffs and views of the west branch of the Farmington River, as well as all points south in Connecticut.
Colebrook, named after Colebrooke in Devonshire, England, is an unspoiled, rural community located in Northern Litchfield County on the Massachusetts line. The town, incorporated in 1779 and encompassing 32.9 square miles, has a population of approximately 1,470 residents. The village is an attractive town of older, well-kept homes, many dating back to the 18th century, and is surrounded by a mountainous region of great beauty. The town’s lovely Sandy Brook, with its famous Tunxis Falls standing almost at its junction with the Still River, is one of the major streams that flows into the larger Farmington River. Beulah Falls on Sandy Brook Road is a particularly beautiful location. The Algonquin State Forest consists of more than 2,300 acres of natural wilderness forest and lies mostly north of Sandy Brook. Visitors can explore scenic country roads as they pass old stone walls and cellar holes where pioneer families once lived. Route 8 is the main highway providing access to Massachusetts to the north, passing the beautiful cliffs and views of the west branch of the Farmington River, as well as all points south in Connecticut.
Area Map
Colebrook is within Litchfield Hills, Connecticut and borders Barkhamsted and Norfolk.
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