The peaceful town of Canaan, the second smallest town in Connecticut, is located in Northern Litchfield County. Also known as Falls Village, the town has dedicated nearly a third of its open space to conservation. Home to Housatonic Valley Regional High School, which serves six towns in the northwest corner of the county, Canaan is perfect for those who enjoy outdoor recreation as the Housatonic River and the Appalachian and Mohawk Trail pass through the town. The legendary acoustics and views of the gardens and hills are irresistible from every seat at the Music Mountain, the legendary summer performance center where one can listen to chamber music and jazz in air conditioned comfort all season long.
Litchfield County, Connecticut
The peaceful town of Canaan, the second smallest town in Connecticut, is located in Northern Litchfield County. Also known as Falls Village, the town has dedicated nearly a third of its open space to conservation. Home to Housatonic Valley Regional High School, which serves six towns in the northwest corner of the county, Canaan is perfect for those who enjoy outdoor recreation as the Housatonic River and the Appalachian and Mohawk Trail pass through the town. The legendary acoustics and views of the gardens and hills are irresistible from every seat at the Music Mountain, the legendary summer performance center where one can listen to chamber music and jazz in air conditioned comfort all season long.
The peaceful town of Canaan, the second smallest town in Connecticut, is located in Northern Litchfield County. Also known as Falls Village, the town has dedicated nearly a third of its open space to conservation. Home to Housatonic Valley Regional High School, which serves six towns in the northwest corner of the county, Canaan is perfect for those who enjoy outdoor recreation as the Housatonic River and the Appalachian and Mohawk Trail pass through the town. The legendary acoustics and views of the gardens and hills are irresistible from every seat at the Music Mountain, the legendary summer performance center where one can listen to chamber music and jazz in air conditioned comfort all season long.
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