Select Towns in All Fairfield County Bethel Bridgeport Brookfield Cos Cob Danbury Darien Easton East Norwalk Fairfield Glenville Greenwich Monroe New Canaan New Fairfield Newtown Norwalk Old Greenwich Redding Ridgefield Riverside Rowayton Sandy Hook Shelton Sherman Southport South Norwalk Stamford Stratford Trumbull Weston Westport Wilton All Litchfield County Litchfield Barkhamsted Bethlehem Bridgewater Canaan Colebrook Cornwall Falls Village Goshen Harwinton Kent Lakeville Morris New Hartford New Milford Norfolk North Canaan Plymouth Roxbury Salisbury Sharon South Kent Thomaston Torrington Warren Washington Watertown Winchester Woodbury All Hartford County Avon Berlin Bloomfield Bristol Burlington Canton East Granby East Hartford East Windsor Enfield Farmington Glastonbury Granby Hartford Hartland Manchester Marlborough New Britain Newington Plainville Rocky Hill S Windsor Simsbury Southington Suffield West Hartford Wethersfield Windsor Windsor Locks All Middlesex County Chester Clinton Cromwell Deep River Durham East Haddam East Hampton Essex Haddam Ivoryton Killingworth Middlefield Middletown Old Saybrook Portland Westbrook All New Haven County Ansonia Beacon Falls Bethany Branford Cheshire Derby East Haven Guilford Hamden Madison Meriden Middlebury Milford Naugatuck New Haven North Branford North Haven Orange Oxford Prospect Seymour Southbury Wallingford Waterbury West Haven Wolcott Woodbridge All New London County Bozrah Colchester E Lyme Franklin Gales Ferry Griswold Groton Lebanon Ledyard Lisbon Lyme Montville New London Niantic North Stonington Norwich Old Lyme Pawcatuck Preston Quaker Hill Salem Sprague Stonington Taftville Uncasville Voluntown Waterford All Tolland County Andover Bolton Columbia Coventry Ellington Hebron Mansfield Somers Stafford Tolland Union Vernon Willington All Windham County Ashford Brooklyn Canterbury Chaplin Eastford Hampton Killingly Moosup Plainfield Pomfret Putnam Scotland Sterling Thompson Windham Woodstock All Westchester County Amawalk Ardsley Armonk Bedford Bedford Corners Bedford Hills Briarcliff Manor Bronxville Buchanan Chappaqua Cortlandt Manor Cross River Croton Falls Croton-on-hudson Dobbs Ferry Eastchester Elmsford Goldens Bridge Harrison Hartsdale Hastings-on-hudson Hawthorne Irvington Jefferson Valley Katonah Larchmont Lewisboro Lincolndale Mamaroneck Millwood Mohegan Lake Montrose Mount Kisco Mount Vernon New Rochelle North Salem Ossining Peekskill Pelham Pleasantville Port Chester Pound Ridge Purchase Purdys Rye Rye Brook Scarborough Scarsdale Shrub Oak Sleepy Hollow Somers South Salem Tarrytown Thornwood Tuckahoe Valhalla Verplanck Waccabuc West Harrison White Plains Yonkers Yorktown Heights All Albany County Berne Bethlehem Coeymans New Scotland Preston Hollow Rensselaerville Westerlo Bronx All Columbia County Ancram Ancramdale Austerlitz Canaan Chatham Claverack Clermont Copake Gallatin Germantown Ghent Greenport Hillsdale Hudson Kinderhook Livingston New Lebanon Old Chatham Stockport Stuyvesant Stuyvesant Falls Taghkanic Valatie All Dutchess County Amenia Beacon Clinton Clinton Corners Dover Plains Fishkill Holmes Hopewell Junction Hyde Park Lagrangeville Milan Millerton Northeast Pawling Pine Plains Pleasant Valley Poughkeepsie Poughquag Red Hook Rhinebeck Salt Point Stanford Stormville Wappingers Falls Washington Wassaic Wingdale All Greene County Acra Ashland Athens Cairo Catskill Coxsackie Durham Earlton East Durham East Jewett Freehold Greenville Hunter Jewett Lexington New Baltimore Prattsville Round Top Tannersville Westkill Windham All Orange County Bloomingburg Campbell Hall Central Valley Chester Cornwall Cornwall On Hudson Cuddebackville Florida Fort Montgomery Goshen Greenwood Lake Harriman Highland Falls Highland Mills Huguenot Johnson Marlboro Maybrook Middletown Monroe Montgomery New Hampton New Windsor Newburgh Otisville Pine Bush Pine Island Port Jervis Rock Tavern Salisbury Mills Slate Hill Southfields Sparrowbush Tuxedo Park Unionville Walden Wallkill Warwick Washingtonville Westbrookville Westtown All Putnam County Brewster Carmel Cold Spring Garrison Hopewell Junction Lake Peekskill Mahopac Patterson Putnam Valley Southeast All Rensselaer County Castleton East Nassau Nassau Sand Lake Schodack Stephentown All Rockland County Airmont Bardonia Blauvelt Chestnut Ridge Congers Garnerville Haverstraw Hillburn Monsey Nanuet New City Nyack Orangeburg Palisades Pearl River Piermont Pomona Sloatsburg Sparkill Spring Valley Stony Point Suffern Tappan Thiells Tomkins Cove Valley Cottage West Haverstraw West Nyack All Schoharie County Conesville Gilboa All Sullivan County Barryville Bethel Bloomingburg Fallsburg Ferndale Forestburgh Glen Spey Jeffersonville Kiamesha Lake Liberty Livingston Manor Loch Sheldrake Middletown Monticello Narrowsburg Pine Bush Pond Eddy Rock Hill Roscoe Swan Lake White Lake Woodbourne Woodridge Wurtsboro Yulan All Ulster County Ellenville Gardiner Greenfield Park Highland Hurley Kerhonkson Kingston Marlboro Milton Napanoch New Paltz Pine Bush Saugerties Spring Glen Ulster Wallkill Wawarsing West Shokan Woodstock Canaan Ny Craryville East Chatham Kinderhook New York Tagkanic All Berkshire County Adams Alford Becket Cheshire Clarksburg Dalton Egremont Florida Great Barrington Hancock Hinsdale Lanesboro Lee Lenox Monterey Mt Washington New Ashford New Marlborough North Adams Otis Peru Pittsfield Richmond Sandisfield Savoy Sheffield Stockbridge Tyringham Washington West Stockbridge Williamstown Windsor All Bristol County Attleboro Dartmouth Dighton Fall River Freetown New Bedford North Attleboro Rehoboth Seekonk Somerset Swansea Westport All Franklin County Ashfield Charlemont Colrain Conway Deerfield Greenfield Northfield Rowe Shelburne All Hampden County Blandford Chester Granville Longmeadow Russell Springfield Tolland Westfield All Hampshire County Amherst Cummington Easthampton Goshen Hadley Hatfield Huntington Middlefield Northampton Plainfield Westhampton Worthington All Norfolk County Bellingham Foxborough Norfolk Norwood Plainville Wrentham All Worcester County Blackstone Millville Northbridge All Bristol County Barrington Bristol Warren All Kent County Coventry East Greenwich Warwick West Greenwich West Warwick All Newport County Jamestown Little Compton Middletown Newport Portsmouth Tiverton All Providence County Burrillville Central Falls Cranston Cumberland East Providence East Side Of Prov Foster Glocester Johnston Lincoln North Providence North Smithfield Pawtucket Providence Scituate Smithfield Woonsocket All Washington County Block Island Charlestown Exeter Hopkinton Narragansett North Kingstown Richmond South Kingstown Westerly
New York School Districts: Ardsley Bedford Blind Brook Briarcliff Manor Bronxville Byram Hills Chappaqua Croton-Harmon Dobbs Ferry Eastchester Edgemont Greenburgh Harrison Hastings Hendrick Hudson Irvington Katonah-Lewisboro Lakeland Mamaroneck Mount Pleasant Mount Vernon New Rochelle North Salem Ossining Peekskill Pelham Pleasantville Pocantico Hills Port Chester Rye City Rye Neck Scarsdale Somers Tarrytown Tuckahoe Valhalla White Plains Yonkers Yorktown Berne/Knox/Weste Bethlehem Guilderland Middleburg Voorheesville Bronx Riverdale Chatham Hudson Ichabod Crane New Lebanon Taconic Hills Arlington Hyde Park Millbrook Pawling Pine Plains Poughkeepsie Poughkeepsie City Red Hook Rhinebeck Spackenkill Wappingers Webutuck Cairo-Durham Catskill Coxsackie-Athens Gilboa Hunter Tannersville Rav-Coey-Selkirk Wind-Ash-Jewett Chester Cornwall Florida Goshen Greenwood Lake Highland Falls Marlboro Middletown Minisink Valley Monroe-Woodbury Newburgh Port Jervis Tuxedo Valley Central Warwick Valley Washingtonville Brewster Carmel Garrison Haldane North Salem Ellenville Highland Kingston New Paltz Onteora Other Pine Bush Rondout Rondout Valley Saugerties Wallkill New York Elementary School: Alice E. Grady Anne Hutchinson Bedford Hills Bedford Road Bedford Village Benjamin Franklin Bronxville Brookside Buchanan-Verplanck Buchanan-Verplank Carl L. Dixson Carrie E. Tompkins Cecil H. Parker Central Chatsworth Avenue Colonial Columbus Columbus Ave Coman Hill Concord Rd Concord Road Cottle Crompond Daniel Webster Douglas G. Grafflin Dows Lane Edgewood Edward Williams F.E. Bellows Fox Meadow Frank G. Lindsey French Hill Furnace Woods George M. Davis George Washington Geroge M. Davis Graham Greenacres Greenburgh # 7 Greenburgh #7 Greenvale Greenville Grimes Hamilton Harrison Avenue Hawthorne Heathcote Heathcote Elementary Henry Barnard Hillside Holmes Hutchinson Increase Miller Jefferson John F. Kennedy Magnet Katonah King Street Lewisboro Lincoln Lincoln Titus Longfellow Mamaroneck Avenue Meadow Pond Midland Milton Mohansic Mount Kisco Murray Avenue New Rochelle (Choice) Osborn Ossining Park Avenue Parsons Memorial Peekskill Pennington Pocantico Hills Pound Ridge Primrose Prospect Hill Purchase Quaker Ridge Ridge Street Roaring Brook Samuel J. Preston Seely Place Siwanoy Springhurst Tarrytown Thomas A. Edison Thomas Jefferson Todd Traphagen Trinity Van Cortlandtville Virginia Road Wampus Waverly West Patent Westorchard White Plains William B. Ward William E. Cottle Yonkers Alden Place Amenia Arlington Arthur S. May Beekman Brinckerhoff Chancellor Livingston Chancelor/Livingston Cold Spring Dover Elm Drive Elm.Drive Fishkill Fishkill Plains Gayhead Glenham Governor G. Clinton Hagan Hyde Park J.V. Forrestal J.Y. Forrestal James S Evans James S. Evans Kent Elementary Kent Primary Kinry Road Krieger La Grange LaGrange Matthew Paterson Mill Rd Mill Road Millerton Morse Young Child Myers Corners Nassau Netherwood Nokon Road North Gate North Park Noxon Road Oak Grove Other Overlook Pawling Ralph R. Smith Sargent Seymour Smith Sheafe Road South Avenue Traver Road Vail Farm Vassar Road Violet Avenue W.W. Smith Humanities Warring Academy Webutuck Wingdale Anna Kuhl Berea Central Valley Chester Circleville Cornwall-On-Hudson EJ Russell East Coldenham Ft Montgomery George Grant Mason Golden Hill Goshen Intermediate Greenwood Lake Hamilton Bicentenial Highland Falls John Chorley Kings Kiryas Joel Lee Road Leptondale Little Britain Magnet Maple Hill Marlboro Maybrook Mechanicstown Mechanicstown William A Carter Middle Hope Middletown Elementary Minisink Valley Elementary Minisink Valley Intermediate Montgomery North Main Street Ostrander Other Otisville Pakanasink Park Avenue Pine Island Pine Tree Pinebush Presidential Park Elementary Round Hill Sandfordville Elementary Sapphire Scotchtown Avenue Smith Clove Sullivan Avenue Taft Trum Truman Moon Walden Willow.Ave Austin Road Fulmar Road Garden Street Garrison Haldane John F. Kennedy Kent Elementary Kent Primary Lakeview Matthew Paterson Pequenakonck Putnam Valley Bardonia Cherry Lane Congers Cottage Lane Cypress Rd Eldorado Elmwood Evans Park Fleetwood Franklin Ave G.F. Neary Grandview Hempstead Hillcrest Kakiat Lakewood Laurel Plains Liberty Lime Kiln Lincoln Link Little Tor ML Colton Margetts Miller Montebello Rd N.Garnerville New City Other Palisades RP Connor Sloatsburg Stony Point Strawtown Summit Park Tappan Zee Thiells Upper Nyack Valley Cottage Viola WO Schaefer West Haverstraw West Nyack Woodglen Benjamin Cosor Circleville Delaware Duggan EJ Russell Emma Chase George L. Cooke Jeff/Yougsville K Rutherford Liberty Livingston Manor Narrowsburg Other Pakanasink Pinebush Roscoe Ross Mackenzie Sullivan West Elementary Tri Valley White Sulphur Anna Devine Bennett Cahill Chambers Circleville Duggan Duzine EC Meyer ER Crosby Edson Ellenville Emma Chase George L. Cooke Golden Hill Highland JF Kennedy K Rutherford Kerhonkson Lenape Leptondale Marbletown Meagher Morse Mt. Marion Napanoch Ostrander Other Phoenicia Pinebush Plattekill RR Graves Riccardi Rosendale Woodstock Lifestyle Amenities Equestrian Golf Pool Skiing Tennis Dock/Mooring No Preference Dock Mooring Dock or Mooring Waterfront Type All Waterfront Ocean Lake Direct Waterfront Access Beach Brook Close To Water Deeded Rights Deep Water Dock Dock/Mooring Frontage Frontage On Water Harbor Lake Access Lake View Marsh Pond Mooring Pond Pond Access Private Beach Public Beach River River Access Seasonal Seasonal Brook Sound Stream Tidal Water Community Walk to Water Waterfront Waterview Winter Waterview Proximity to Train Station No Preference 1 mile 3 miles 5 miles 10 miles 15 miles Annual Taxes Any $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $200,000 Any $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $200,000 Architectural Style Colonial Ranch Cape Cod Contemporary Tudor Cottage Farm House Raised Ranch Split Level Victorian Arts and Crafts Modern 1 Story 2 Stories A-Frame American Basic Antique Apartment (5+ Units) Apartment Attached Barn Bilevel Bungalow Cabin Cape Carriage House Center Hall Chalet Co-Op Col Split Colonial Ranch Contemp Conversion Converted Barn Cotswold Country French Dome Duplex Dutch Embank Ranch End Unit English Cottage English Manor Estate European Style Federal Flat Foursquare French Style Gambrel/Dutch Gambrel Garden Apartment Garden/Ranch Garrison Georgian Colonial Georgian Gothic Greek Revival Hi-Ranch High Rise Historic Loft Log Mediterranean Mid Rise Mini Estate Multi-Level NE Farmhouse New Classisism Normandy Penthouse Post and Beam Post Modern Queen Anne Regency Revival Row House Salt Box School House Shingle Style Shore Colonial Single Detached Single Splanch Studio Timber Frame Townhouse Traditional Ranch Tri Level Date Listed VIEW 45,079 listings listing